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Yin Yang Review

A lot of time has passed since we had an opportunity to see a russian inline video. Well, our easterm neighbours didn`t waste their time. They have visited almost half of the world collecting the materials from the best spots you can ever imagine – Poland, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Holland and more. But the Yin Yang vid does not resamble a Tour-like movie to which we were used to expect from Iguana. It is worth to mention that there are some Bonus only-tours clips, but the main part has a common form – bunch of profiles, montages etc. without division to each visited country. Another novelty is the “cast”. Besides well-known russian rippers, the movie presents the numerous new faces – the newest addition to Stygma Team, or the representant of Razor Russia. Their skating is no different then the skating of the “old crew” – russian standard which we all know – far from average level.
One of the best feature are the long montage sections with guest tricks of  skaters like Aragon, Shima, Rachard, Dimitrious, Gonzo, Brandon Cambell – so guys who are pretty much everyone`s favourites.  
The movie has a nice vibe, thanks to carefully selected song for each section. There is no section which you would like to skip, skating as well as music choices are diverse enough, so everyone will find sth appropriate. Moreover it last long but not forever, so it’s the good thing to pop in and watch just before your session. You will be hyped to skate straight away!!
Skating itself don`t need to be talked about, everyone knows what to expect from this crew. Compilation of such skaters secure the good entertaiment for sure!!! Technical tricks on hard drop rails, crative HC by Leonov, marvelous style of Zayaz, street backflips, lots of topping lines and what is more – you can see the most perfect ledge spots which Russia has to offer – guys know how to use them!!!