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Ground Control Formula 1 Official Press

Below is the description of the new GC Formula 1 frames. It looks like we got a winner here: Haffey called Jon after only 2 hours of skating that this is the best frame he ever skated and he never wants any other frame.

Below a few more comments:
“Something feels different than any other frame; They are really fast -- even on un-waxed ledges; There is zero friction, very limited pressure on the bearings; No clacking noise and the height and groove make a perfect platform to balance on”.

Ground Control Formula 1 Frame
Ground Control will release 2 revolutionary new frames for this holiday season:

As the inventor of the deep H-block and pioneer of the freestyle frame concept, Ground Control decided to take the concept to a whole new level: Center piece of the Formula 1 frame is an oversized H-Block which extends over 80 % of the frame and provides a true cost efficient solution to replace it when worn down.

This concept was made possible by a patented 3-point attachment system which secures the h-block all the way through the base of the frame and the sole of the boot. This creates a frame which is unmatched in stiffness, strength and durability. Special sickle shaped axle bolt heads increase the crucial material thickness below the axle holes and allow convenient one hand operation.
Both versions got raving test reviews by Brian Shima, Jeff Stockwell and Chris Haffey.
The Formula 1 frame comes in 2 versions, Flat or Freestyle and replacement H-blocks come in a variety of colors.
Size 1: recommended boot size: 6-7
Size 2: recommended boot size: 8-12
Size 3: recommended boot size: 13-14 (the frame box is marked with a green dot)
Frame Colors:
Base H-Block
Black white
White lt. grey
Lt. grey dk. grey
H-Block Colors: