Do you skate? Are you planning your summer? Are you looking for good fun? If you answered 'Yes' three times, you can`t really miss the most extraordinary sport camp in Poland. From 2nd to 10th of August, in Chałupy and Trójmiasto there will be Rollfest – annual rollerbladers` meeting from all over the country.
The seventh edition of Rollfest will begin in Chałupy – Beach Bar and miniramp near the sea for the start, followed by street and park sessions in Trójmiasto. Extreme Sports Festival 'Baltic Games' will be a climax of the event. Street, park contest, photo and video contests, lots of good skating, relaxing and partying.
The first Rollfest took place in 2002. Back then it was just spontaneous idea of small group of rollerbladers, who wanted to check some seaside spots and chill in Trójmiasto. The news about Rollfest circulated through message boards, sms or just by word – that`s how it started, year by year there were more and more people who couldn`t imagine summer without Rollfest. Nowadays the seasisde-rollerblading week got popular among our foreign friends – plenty of people from abroad have already confirmed their presence.
Rollfest 2008 schedule:
2-3th of August – Chałupy – Beach Bar – Seaside Miniramp sessions
4-6th of August – Trójmiasto – Street and skatepark sessions
7th of August – Trójmiasto – Street Comp – Rollfest Street
8th - 10th - Gdańsk – Skatepark Comp – Baltic Games
- Rollfest is something really amazing, because the role of the oraganiser is to provide entertaiment for all participants, settting up the comps and pastimes – says Paweł Komosa, 'Green' Association. - 'However the participants themselves decide how everything looks like, how long does it take etc. Any limitations, besides the Comp regulations would spoil teh whole event' – he adds.
More info about Rollfest can be found at and
Additional info:
Paweł Komosa tel. 512 331 986