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ONE Campaign

  It’s a new year, now let’s go make some new friends! Each dedicated rollerblader wants to see our sport and culture grow to its fullest potential, and Get Someone to Blade Day is here to remind us that one person can make a difference. But getting a new person on blades is about more than just making a new rollerblader, it’s a chance to share the unique awesomeness that is blade culture with new people; to pass the fun you get from blading on to someone else’s life. It’s a win-win situation all around. So don’t be shy. Keep your old blades in your trunk and when you hit up the park next time, get them on a pair of feet. Drag your non-skating friends in with you to the local skate shop. Bring ‘em to the video premieres and events in your area. This may sound like a no-brainer to some of us, but there’s plenty of you out there being greedy and keeping blading all to yourselves! No fair! You want your pros to earn more cheddar and your favorite company to make even cooler gear? Go the extra mile and do what you can to help make a whole new army of rollers. Let’s consider this post a forum to discuss ways to get your local scene involved and a place to brainstorm ideas. We’re here to help however we can, so let us know what we can do to help you Get Someone to Blade! — ONE Designer Chris Piascik was super-cool and donated his time to make up some preliminary designs for the Get Someone to Blade Day campaign. (Thanks, Chris!) The graphic you see above is the first GIF we’ll be spreading around, and below we’ve posted some of Chris’ initial concepts. Use them as you see fit! Just give props where props are due. All we wanna do is inspire folks to see how much power is in their hands, and trust us, we’ve got some plans of our own… (Designers: If you’ve got ideas for more Blade Day promo you think is fresh, send it in! We’ll give you the BIG UP, too.)