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Deshi Carbon review and video ad

Deshi Carbon Promo - Przemek Madej - Street Level from Hedonskate on Vimeo. Before I got my Carbons samples I had heard a lot about them. They were presented as super light, revolutionary skate made of carbon fiber, without liner – but to be honest I was sure only with one thing – I loved how they looked. At first I was little afraid about this whole weight thing – super light skates could mean less control. Another issue was the low cuff, which is such soft skates as Deshi could be too flexible. Though, few sessions in new Carbons were enough to scatter all my fears and convince me that I have the pleasure to ride the best skate since I have started rollerblading 9 years ago. I won't write too much about the soulplates because they are what they should be and don't introduce anything new in particular, besides the groove which finally is in the right place – much better than in my previous skates. I assume that the boot is intended for the people, who prefer rather softer skates. Although they come without liner, their design gives you great comfort and full support of the ankle. The power strap below traditional buckle is very helpful feature, not to mention perfect foot-like shape. Also I compared my Carbons to traditional liner and they look the same! - my complete skate now is a visually of the size of my old liner ... incredible! If I had to describe very briefly how is the feel of new Carbons, with all of it's features (super light, slim, perfect fit etc) I would say it's like I having a frame attached directly to your foot. After 3 months of skating them I got used to it in such extent that I'm sure they are not my last pair of Carbons. To sum it up I would like to quote short but very accurate statement of Jochen Smuda about Deshi Carbons: "Rollerblading is fun again." Przemek Madej Edit: Kopa.tv
Photo: Kuba Urbańczyk

Thanks for:
Kojot (Canis La Trans Media),
Mumblz And Switch Technique