‘Clip video magaizne is the modern-day version of Videogroove for the European scene’ - Jon Julio The times when Europe stayed without any expousure to the inline-world have long gone. There were many factors which helped Europe to stand out but when we consider all media expousure, the Clip series has set high standards since the first issue, earning huge respect not only here but also world-wide. In each issue the makers (J.Smuda and Lukas) are trying to portrait different part of old continent, showing the most unique and characteristic scenes out there. The last issue was dominated by the Swiss connections, now the main focus is put on France. The thing which distinguish the Clip magaizne from others is simple – quality in every aspect. Everything is prepared in very professional way – from the original and fresh package, or amazing menus, great soundtracks to superb high tech editing and of course crazy skating on highest level. In addition as a common feature of Clip, each copy has a cool bundled gift – small lens cleaner which I found very useful. The whole video last about 40 minutes and is divided into eight sections. Profile #1: Fabrice Guyont The thing that I like about clip`s profiles is the way they are presenting each skater. Just like in the old VG`s such sections are full of lifestyle clips, speeches etc. We can get to know particular skaters a lot better, it gives nice feel. The first full profile in clip 3 belongs to french guy – Fabrice Guyont…hmm his attitiude towards life can be shocking to some of you, many viewers can find it a litte to silly but let`s focus on his skating. The first thing that comes to my mind is that Fabrice is really influenced by J. Stockwell. Lots of similar tricks and style or lines.
Fabrice really knows how to skate on Bercy ledges, Fishes on switch and natural, rocket makyos – tricks which are not commonly seen on those spots. The section is full of creative rolling – Paris and its crazy architecture, full of banks, curved ledges gives many options and mr. Guyont uses it perfectly, his skating is very fluent, has a nice flow but many of you will say it lacks of some real good tricks which can amaze everybody straight away…
Profile # 2: Jochen Smuda
The second full profile belongs to the author himslef – Jochen Smuda. They say that the intro alone took 2 months of filming and editing – well mr. Smuda is kinfd of a guy who likes to have everything done as it should be. His section is the best part of the Clip3, and one of the sickest secions which I have seen in this year, no doubt about it. Following his own ideas about Urban Acrobatics Jochen will amaze you with great spot`s selection. Lots of oroginal tricks as well as ‘standard’ stunts on drop rails and ledges with smooth style. One of the best backbackslides and fishes, after watching this sections many of you will instantly want the xsjado skates, as can be seen here they are becoming more and more popular, and are great for all kind of gaps and transitions.
Summary : Tricks: 7/10 Editing: 9/10 Music: 7/10 Bonus: 5:10 Final score: 7/10 Clip 3 is available at Hedonskate.com