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Bemag print overview

Who doesn`t know Bemag? Celebration of the 10th anniversary of this infamous mag is a great opportunity to overview some last issues of print Bemag which changed a little bit over last few months. The head behind it all is Micheal Bayr – man who started with small newsletter thing and then gradually transformed it into regular webzine, to finally release a print mag which you know as it is today. Since a few month the format of the magaizne has changed. Continued for twenty issues, characteristic square shape was replaced by more common traditional format, which gives the mag nice and more mature feel. High quality paper, 88 pages and fresh ideas are the main features of Bemag. What makes it so successful? Well, together with constantly improved content, the design of the whole magazine is incredible. Each issue is uniqe and surprises us with new stuff. Hand made graphic, original layout and awesome photos!!

Moreover the people contributing to Bemag are from all over the world which guarantee you the best content such as detailed story about Bemag tours through Australia or Japan which can be found in issue #23.. 

With Bemag you won`t be bored anymore with the same text-types all the time – let`s take issue #22 as an example. So called Photo Issue - released once a year, with folded cover and full insight into all well-known photographers of rolling industry. Read the detalied information about what equipment do they use and find some tips – great thing for young, starting photographers.

Issue #22 in the other hand is so called DVD issue, with full ‘behind the scenes’ stories about recent and upcoming videos, which for sure will be great help in picking one or two.

If you want to read some interviews with such skaters like Eric Bailey, Ricardo Lino, Richie Eisler, Domink Wagner which concerns not only their skating carrer but also many facts from their ‘normal’ life, make sure to grab issue #21 called an Interview Issue! It is worth mention that some issues are packed with free bundled gifts such as DVDs, posters, catalogues etc.
Bemag is a ‘huge machine’ connecting rollers from all over the world since 1997 – Print, Design, Motion – the most popular rolling webpage, print mag and already four movies (1 VHS and 3 DVDs)! Show your support for inline media, buy Bemags and look out for more things to come in future! The magazine is released 4 times a year.