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WRS - World Rolling Series

Jan15, 2009

In an effort to increase worldwide growth and recognition of the rolling industry, the main manufacturers (Deshi, Nimh, Razors, Remedyz, Rollerblade, USD, Valo, Xsjado) announce the launch of the WRS, World Rolling Series.


- to combine the major skate contest around the world (Bittercold ShowDown, BarnBurner, Chaz Open, SDSF Open, SuperHick, WinterClash, etc..) to a world series with a final world championship event.
- to work with event organizers around the world and create national championships
- to give riders from all over the world the opportunity to get noticed and achieve worldwide recognition.
- to introduce a world ranking list.
- to streamline Pro/Am contests and create a unified contest format.
- to attract outside media and create awareness of the sport in the broad public.
- to hire a sports marketing agency and bring in outside sponsors.

Detailed information to follow.

“"All boot manufacturers working together to establish a true Pro/Am (International) Contest series . This is clearly a huge step in the right direction for Rollerblading. " -  Jon Julio (Valo Brand/Themgoods)

" A skater driven contest series that promotes our unique rolling culture." - Tom Hyser (Rollerblade)

" A meaningful worldwide series like this gives us manufacturers the opportunity to find out about talented riders from all over the world. " - Andy Wegener (Razors)

" After years with little unified direction it now seems that everyone at last is getting together to create a strengthening body where rollerbladers once again have something to aim for, whether they have been skating for years or for just days. Direction! At last!! " - Oli Benet (The Conference)

" There is no way that an upcoming athlete in any other sport could show up and compete against the pro's. It is time to define professionalism in rolling. " -  Brian Shima (Nimh/Rat Tail)

" All boot manufacturers collaborating to make rolling grow stronger... This is next level." - Kato Mateu (Remedyz)