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2nd Hedonskate Birthday

The green revel will begin on 4th of November at 21pm in Częstochowa’s club “Rura”.
Put on something green and enjoy the party like other green people for only 5pln.
Average goes in for 8pln. Specially for this occasion there will be green drinks waiting for You in the bar.
Dj’s and guests together with special suprices will keep the atmosphere hot till the early morning.

During the night we’ll give the prices for the winners of the “green box jam”.
It will be organized earlier that day on the local skatepark situated on the Czesław Niemen’s promenade. „Green Party”
„Rura” Club
Najświętszej Maryi Panny 38

Check some photos from last parties in "Rura":
-> Galerry <-