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Mindgame „Accidental Machines”

Mindgame „Accidental Machines” – Mindgame „Accidental Machines” – I won`t say anything new by telling you that I have been waiting for this flick for a long time. Together with 90 % rollers around the world I was searching for any clips/trailers/ info about premiere of this video. Finally, the DVD reached my player.

Some time ago, I got the email with message: ‘new Mindgame Video is here, we got it!’. At last! Three days later my frind brought the dvd and said straight ahead: ‘Dude, it is a blast!’ I couldn`t wait any longer and pop in the disc. After common warnings about this video not being an instructional video I quickly chose ‘Play only skating’ option from the menu. This option, well-known from other Mindgame DVDs is great idea. Nothing will make you more juiced before session than a quick look at the ‘only skating’ part.

Intro – as usuall we can se here a few tricks of every rider which gives us a small taste of what we can expect form the main part. Some massive bails and few strange scenes which was not understood by me Calm and steady music, perfect editing, messing around with some colors – all in all the intro will put you into great mood. After the intro, it`s time for the newest Mindgame ‘rookie’  - Ben Shwab. His introducing trick (partially shown in the trialer), done after two massive falls will leave you with no question about why Ben is the new team member of Mindgame. The rest of his profile – well it`s a blast!! Let`s take lines – zero spin spin ao fishbrain with  full cab truespin ao top soul to pornstar, gaps, technical tricks: full cab truespin cloudynight, 450 backslide. So many creative stunts, with very original approach to spots. I`m sure that Ben will become the favourite skater for many of us, like it happened with me. Unfortunatelly the track used for this section does not go with the skating style of Ben at all. Maybe it is just me or maybe it is the need of use licensed music.. who knows. Anyway if you thought that nothing would surprise you, this very first section after the intro will blow your mind away.

New Brian Aragon Profile is another surprise. This section, again is a  proof that there is no other, such perfect skater like Brian. You wont`t find even one slip or a stumble – just ‘freezed’ position even on hardest tricks, effortless execution and clean landings. You could come across an opinion that Brian`s style is so perfect that it is boring and that all his sections are very similar. Well for all of those who have thought that way – the new Mindgame Video will show you the new Brian Aragon! His section in Accidental Machines besides such tricks like switch hurricane topsouls or switch hurricane toppornstars is full of new stunts and spots which you haven`t seen before. Just look at his ‘Top soul up the rail to bs backlisde on the flat part to Ao soul down the rail’ or smoothly performed ‘bs backslide to true spin pornstar to fs torque’ – such  will give different look on Brian`s skating. The editing can be compared to his skating itself, simply it is flawless. The music in the other hand can gain both – it`s supporters and haters. 

Next comes the Dustin Latimer section. For those of you who thought that it will be his big comeback I have bad news. Well, sort of.. New Dustin`s section will bring another brainstorm. I guess you can describe it very short just like a friend of mine did: ‘Dustin just went for a walk with his skates’. The whole profile is a one-day session. Dustin skates whatever he comes across to: a pole, a lawn, a curb, a wall, a rail – whatever.. How it looks like?-  You may ask. Well for sure it is original, but is it still entertaining? Maybe for the first time, but I think that my next sessions with Accidental Machines will go without Latimer part.

Don Bambrick section is one of those parts, which I awaited the most – thanks to the short previews of his huuuuuge gap shown in the trialers. Similar as with Brian Aragon, some people claim that Don doesn`t match to this whole Mindgame theory, some say that his skating is not so distinctive – well I guess it is the personal matter, for me Bambrick has ‘IT’ and no one can mess with his perfect true savanas. His profile is great compilation of everything what can be done on skates – ledges, rails, GAPS!!, switch ups.. but something is wrong now – Don doesn`t skate in Salomons like he used to and now his style isn`t so ‘soft’ and unique. Maybe it is just me but with Razors his skating has changed a little bit. Even the good song used here won`t help – I just can`t stand those massive Razor skates under his feet.

Next section is the one which I always skip when I`m going to skate – the Falls. It is begun with Fish who later together with Ben Shwab are the main characters here. Some funny bails and some serious ones will make you appreciate the tricks in this movie even more.

The following profile belongs to the legend – Aaron Feinberg. I`ve heard it many times that Aaron is not skating like he used to, and that he gave up his Pro skater carrer etc. I think that nobody besides him and his closest friends don`t know exactly how the situation really looks like. His section is short but very concrete. Some serious hammers on hardcore spots. I`ve read somewhere that Aaron couldn`t finish his section due to injury – maybe that is the reason why his profile is so short but I`m still full of admiration for him, for the skater who has been  at the top of the game for so long and still can amaze me.

Profile of Fish – Billy O`neil is the next one. After watching some of his older profiles I expected lots of technical tricks mostly on rails.. well I couldn`t be more wrong. His profile now is filled up with so many jumps and gaps, including the best rocket 540 I`ve seen. Very stylish and dynamic airs (often performed in lines) together with steezed grinds like this fs torque cross grab, top soul on the wavy rail, huge fishbrian or disaster fakie inspin fs niffty once more proved that Fish is the skater of the highest rank. His unique style and speed are his most precious assets.

The last part belongs to Chris Farmer. I won`t hide the fact that he is one of my favourites rollers out there and his section was the most expected in my case – well I am far from being dissapointed. His section, first of all – the style and the creativity. Spots which haven`t been seen before and all these new tricks, performed with such ease and precision.  360 inspin inside mistrail or Stale grab fastslide just to name a few. During his carrer Chris has changed completely his way of skating  which gained him a lot of fans as well as enemies – for me Chris Farmer once again proved that rollerblading is something which is constantly developing and it does not end on hurricane topsouls.

As a ending section we can watch The Future part, where you can see tricks of  the whole Mindgame team as well as many other famous rollerbalders like Jon Julio or Eric Bailey plus some tricks of unknown guys like Ben`s brother – Jon.

After watching the whole thing I played the DVD once again but now with the ‘plot’ parts which somehow are introductions for each skating section. The interpretation of those are very ambigious so I`m leaving it up to you!!

Author: Simon
Translate: Basza