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The Game Finals

The Game - innovative competition based on team battle and matching tricks. The first Game was set up in USA where the american team: Aaron Feinberg, Franky Morales, Chris Haffey, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Johnson, Rachard Johnson beat the world team represented by: Carlom Pianowski, Chaz Sands, Stefan Horngacher, Richie Eisler, Albert Hooi and Andrey Zaytsev. The detailed info about this event can be found at:

From left : Mirek, Piotrek, hidden Kojot, Adam. The whole idea of ‘The Game comp’ was a huge success so the next edition was just a matter of time. This time this competition had a much wider range – whenever it was possible, the countries with strongest scenes were organising local eliminations from which the best five would have a chance to compete in finals in Essen, Germany.

Piotrek's father. Our favourite driver. Respect for him!!! The polish eliminations took place durring this year`s Rollfest and the winning Team turned out to be: Yoghurt, Ciapek, Chester, Mały oraz Piotrek Combrzyński. The detalied info about this event can be found here:
http://inmag.pl/?aID=30 The Game final would take place in Essen, between the US team and the team who won the last eliminations. The whole event was organised here:
http://www.skate-factory.de/ Well, as usuall the polish team had been changed just before the trip do Essen – but as you will read it further, the changes turned out to be nothing than good!!! The Polish team splited up – the first group went to Essen at Wednesday (Chester, Yogurt, Karakan and Piotr Combrzyński with his father) while the second group – Szyszka, Mirek, Adam and injured Kojot went the day after. 12 hour – journey, the guys were re-united and went to check the park straight away.
Green Is Better !!! From left: Piotrek, Adam, Karakan. Friday session just before the main event with no question was dominated by polish skaters. Yog, Piotrek, Mały and Chester showed their mad skills on the pefect spine and and grindboxes. Its hard to recall all good triucks which went down that night but the highlights were for sure:
Piotrek: 360 inspin soul, 360 outspin soulgrind, 450 bs nifty, fakie full cab true spin Cloud, fakie fullcab true spin mistrail.
Yog: 360 inspin soul, 360 outspin top soul, 450 bs nifty, full true spin top soyale.
Karakan: 360 out spin top soul, 450 royale, 360 inspin soul, 360 outspin soul.
Adam: true spin ao soul, true spin ao acid, full true spin ao mizu.
Chester and Piotrek killed the spine with great tricks too but Domink Wagner was undoubtly the king of this spot with smoothest and clear style. Of course the Us guys were also there Franky Morales, Brian Shima, Chris Haffey and skated non stop with huge vocabulary of tricks.
Adam - Sweatsteance After the exhausting, friday session we grabbed sth to eat, some beers and went back to the hotel to chill and sleep well before the ‘big day’. The saturday aka ‘The Game final’ started not really well for us. We were at the place at 12:30 where all the finest german rollers already gathered and were warming-up. The polish guys joined the rest straight away but after a few minutes Mały and Karakan were out, they were injured and could not skate anymore. Fortunatelly Yog, Piotrek and Chester were doing their best, they managed to do all the tricks which they had been practicing the day before plus some new shit like fakie full true spin ao pornstar, 450 royale, fakie full true spin ao top acid ( Piotrek), double soul, 450 bs nifty, fakie full true spin tts, fake full true spin Cloudy (Yog), and some huge airs of Chester on the vert ramp. At the same time german rollers were skating hard too, preparing for the first part of the Game – Germany - North vs. South. Sorry for any mistakes but it was really hard to see everything… so…German elimination started – 2 rounds, 10 competitors and the winners could compete with the US team. The north started the comp with Domink Wagner who did 270 bs torque in his second attempt – the south responsed with Benny Harmanus who didn’t match it. Other tricks which were not matched by the south: Mark Stamer - true spin ao fish to acid, Guido Rosenkranz - fakie full true spin Cloudy, Gagi - true spin Savannah budget to topsul 540 off. One of the most consistent south riders were Matt Ogger - bs heel mistrail, bs backslide abstrakt, Daniel Prell full cab ao unity to top soul on the rail, Benny - top soul to top soul transfer, top acid to top acid transfer, it was enough to take the win – the south won ! After shouting out the results, few seconds later the two teams for the main “The Game final’ were announced:
Karakan - Fishbrain Germany vs. The World Team Germany:
Mark Stamer
Max Visser
Benny Harmanus
Chris Weber
Daniel Prell
Dominik Wagner
Guido Rosenkranz The world Team:
Franky Morales
Chris Haffey
Brian Sima
Ivan from Spain
Piotrek Combrzyński
Stefan Horngacher
Mirek - Ao Fishbrain The finals started!! Germany won the first point – fs torque to fishbrain was not matched by Ivan. Next Mark Stamer tried true to pacid to soul two times but failed – response from World team – Piotrek Combrzyński, but he also did not do it. The third trick – hardcore topsoul on the gap rail by Benny Haramnus was not matched by Horn. Daniel Prell tried the next trick – bank to Fs nifty to bs royale – it was perfectly matched by Chris Haffey. The round ended with failed attempt of soul to soul to bs royale transfer by Chris Webber and Brian Shima. Second round – Team world went big!! The first trick was done by Franky Moarles, his gigantic transfer from biggest vert ramp to the smallest one in his second attempt left pure amazment on everybody`s faces. Guido Rosenkranz was set to match it but he injured himslef badly and was out to the end. Next, Piotr Combrzyński did a flawless 450 bs nifty which was unmatched by Mark Stamer. The third trick belonged to Chris Haffey – huge disaster to true mizu in first try was also not repeated by Germans. The only trick which gave point to German team in this round was 360 flatspin on the spine – presented by Ivan and repeated by Daniel Prell. The round ended with Shima`s 270 bs nifty to kind grind, not repeated by Benny Harmanus.

Adam & Karakan. Next heat was started again be German team. Soyale up the rail – but the attempt was failed by the both sides. Second trick- similar situation – both groups didn`t manage to do było true spin cloudy to soyale, but Piotrek C. was closer to land it then Mark Stamer. Third trick – bacside kbackslide to fishbrain – matched perfectly by B. Shima. Benny H. did a top acid on gap rail first try, Yogurt tried to repeated but unfortunatelyy missed it. Last trick – again not done by anyone ( Gagi, Haffey) – Soul transfer to soul.
Dominik Wagner At this point if German team would want to win, they would have to do all 5 tricks in their first attempt, assuming that World team would not do 4 from 5 tricks at all. Beginning – Piotr Combrzyński – 540 handplant on vert ramp was not repeated by Daniel Prell. Next, Ivan did handplant transfer from vert ramp to spine – it was matched. Then crowd went nuts after Franky did the same transfer like in 2nd round but this time with huuuge 540!!! – there were nobody who even tried to repeated this sick stunt. Next, Haffey with fakie 450 bs nifty to roayle and then it was obvious who won, but the ending trick of the whole comp was another huge transfer from big vert to small spine by Shima and Prell but unfortunatelly they bailed.
Beat That !!! The event was amazing, let`s hope that next time Polish guys will have another chance to compete!!!!! Author: Szyszka
Translated by : Basza
Photo: Mirek & Adam